Wordpress.com blogs and wordpress.org whats the different takin from : http://rheeantz.com
name for the wordpress bloggers may be familiar, but for beginners (like me) might have once or twice heard the existence of two different wordpress patform, namely wordpress.com and wordpress.org. What and how the two types is the wordpress. Here are some reviews ynag maybe a little help to make that has not quite understand about the above two types wordpress
wordpress.com is one free service from wordpress to create a wordpress blog with a sub domain. The address will be ending in wordpress.com blog address, eg my blog on wordpress.com that is rheeantz.wordpress.com.
* Free, a free day there gini who do not want. Blog at wordpress.com No charge or free for at least until recently.
* SEO friendly: with domain name is under the auspices wordpress.com wordpress.com blogs have good SEO skills, sometimes without even optimized.
* Can not backup the data in full, despite the export facility to backup in the form of an xml format but only the article (post), tag, category and page that terbackup course, other data eg templates, images, etc. can not terbackup.
• Not able to install additional plugins.
* Not able to install ad-sense and some specific links (eg uangpanas.com and so forth). However, there are new regulations from wordpress.com that allows a wordpress.com blog advertising is subject to the blog is visited at least 50 000 visits per day. (One number is very high for a blog entry)
* Not to be included in any SEO contest
blog with wordpress.org commonly called among bloggers as self-hosting wordpress blog, ie, sat berpaltform wordpress blogs that are hosting their own servers. His installation steps first we could download the latest wordpress script on wordpress.org or with auto scripts installer (like fantastico) and others that exist in a hosting service that we use.
* Desired plugins can be installed including a display option
* Can do full backups of data, either via FTP or Cpanel hosting our
* Allowed to install adsense
* Allowed to enter a contest seo
* Paid, by having a wordpress blog hosting with their own (self hosting) like it or not we should spend it continuously every year to renew the domain registration hosting and rental. The solution to exist in combination pengiritan hosting and free domain (but also has its own deficiencies)
* It takes a long process and a little extra knowledge on optimizing SEO
so little discussion regarding the wordpress.com blog and wordpress hosting from my self
The Difference of Wordpress.Com & Wordpress.Org
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